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Hair removal

Hair removal is part of modern beauty care for both women and men. In Ancient Egypt a hairless body was a model of beauty, youth and innocence … At Beauty Story we treat every case with caution and absolute respect for the skin. Taking into account your health history, we suggest the most appropriate method for you to have the fastest, safest and most economical application. We use disposable gloves, trousers & sheets at every service and apply special products for proper skin regeneration to avoid irritation and damage.

Laser hair removal with Mediplus\’s Diode Laser

Diode laser, in the field of waxing, uses a monochromatic beam of light at 810nm. This wavelength guarantees the necessary penetration of energy to the desired depth, where the hair follicle is located and the complete absorption of the energy by the melanin.

Lighting with Energist VPL TM

The most advanced technology in Multiple Pulse Light. Treatments with Energist VPL TM use short, safe and controlled filtered light pulses to remove unwanted hair. Recommended for people with severe facial hair, with hormonal disorders.

Waxing with wax

We have premium quality candles for safe application to the skin. For men\’s skin we apply a special wax to prevent irritation and pimples.

Ριζική Αποτρίχωση με βελόνα

Η ριζική αποτρίχωση με βελόνα είναι μόνιμη και αποτελεσματική. Ενδείκνυται για μικρές περιοχές κυρίως στο πρόσωπο.Είναι ιδανική για λευκές και ξανθές τρίχες, τις οποίες αδυνατούν να καταστρέψουν τα υπόλοιπα συστήματα αποτρίχωσης. Στο χώρο μας εφαρμόζετε πάντα βελόνα μίας χρήσης.
